
Showing posts from December, 2023

F = F**k yeah! 🤗

 Coincidence chat! I literally just found out I passed MD2 and could not be more elated, and it just so turns out today’s letter is F so what’s more appropriate for an Aussie kid then…FCK YEAH So I actually wasn’t able to bring myself to share about the fact that I had to resit my final long case 2x which is why this win feels even more special - even tho I tried to brainwash myself into thinking that I’m fine with repeating MD2 if I have to given it has been 1.5yr since I studied at all and the first sem was ngl not a great experience…but I’m obvs still too much of a perfectionist and stereotypical Asian to truely accept it. Not bragging or anything, but it’s also the first time I’ve never failed a uni exam so mentally never been challenged this way.  Words will never be sufficient enough to express my gratitude for my family, both born into and found, for your ongoing support and for believing in my on my behalf when I was unable to do so. Thank you so much and I’m so fortun...

E = egregious 😜

This post will be egregious 🤣 now, if know the meaning(s) of the word, you will know that my previous statement is highly ambigious, in fact it means the complete opposite of each other, depending on which meaning you decide to use - plz be nice 🥺  If you don’t know the word, go search it up, it will defs come in handy 😉  This is it, this is all I got 🤣 - also I’m rushing this one cuz I’m actually out camping and data is horrible out here so gotta get this out before I degrade down to fake 3G 😅

D = doggo 🥺🐾

 I know I didn’t post yesterday but I had really good reason to be busy the whole day but imma not spoil what’s not mine to announce so moving right along… D = doggos!  I’m 100% a dog person (maybe cuz I’m a cat like prev post explained and you can’t have 2 queens in a house, that’s just a recipe for disaster betrayal insurrection and exile 🤣), now even more so w Cookie, my 2 year old lil sis of a labradoodle 🥺 She is a literal ray of sunshine…maybe a falling asteroid is more accurate given her hyperactivity 😅 but honestly, doesn’t matter what kinda day I had, seeing Cookie and snuggling on our fav spot on the couch makes the day instantly 1000x better ☺️  She is also hyper-protective of me…perhaps a bit too much given she doesn’t even let mum hug me 🤣 but I lowkey love it even though I probs should train her outta it, or at least tone it down but I don’t really wanna? 😅🫣🤫 I can also get away w things like petting her neck when she’s eating and she’s even give up f...

C = chaos and cats 🤣

 Yay, didn’t forget to post today! 🤣 I have memory of a goldfish but that’s neither here nor there so without further ado… C = chaos and cats  I mean what perfect pairing, cats are chaotic neutral at baseline and chaotic evil x100 at worst 🤣 but yeah I’m a dog person BUT I reckon I’m a cat - I love stirring chaos BUT IN A CONTROLLED MANNER 🥴 and my ability to plan shit is choatic if at all - cue packing the midnight ON THE DAY of travelling and creating the itinerary IN THE BLOODY AIRPORT 🫣😅  But I mean what’s life without a bit of chaos and spontaneity? Hella borking if you ask me but I’m also a Sagittarius through and through - MUST HAVE random spontaneous reckless fun now and then 🙃🏹

B is for bananas 🍌

 So I said a post a day but I already forgot all about it yesterday LOL, but anyways, I remembered this morning so we're going ahead w B today.  B = BANANAS  Kicking off this series w 2/2 letters associated with fruits, but BANANAS is not so much related to the fruit for me, but to minions and an inside joke I have w a few HS friends that's still ONGOING 😆 If you know, you know, otherwise keep guessing, it's honestly one of the dumbest inside jokes I've ever encountered but super entertaining w near minimal effort 😂 Otherwise, bananas = easy arvo smoothie or going bananas after a full day of placement or being under the Aussie sun for too long 🤷

I'm totally stealing an idea from my fav podcaster!!!!

Shout-out to Toni & Ryan (you can find them on YouTube, Spotify, Apple podcast, patreon etc), the only podcast I actually follow religiously and makes my commute back from placement during peak hour 10000x more bearable, but imma steal an idea from them which is a post a day for 26 days, alphabet themed, i.e. I write about the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the specific alphabet of the day 😁😃👀💣 (maybe TMI but we rolling w it XD)  Today's letter is obviously A! A = apple, so fcking basic but sums up much of my childhood LOL → was a big apple juice drinker and an apple a day (fuji, pink lady, granny smith, u name it, i've probably ate it) kinda gurl from the start of my memory to about 10ish, before betraying apple for orange juice (found apple juice to sweet all of sudden, no precipitating event or incidence LOL).  The apple juice I remember most fondly is Qoo 苹果汁 (literally apple juice in Chinese 😂), but specifically the one with a sippy cap and a neck...

ME FREEEEEE......for now 🙃

Funny how I had more posts during sem than now when I'm on break 😅 (lmao actually been on break since like 2/52 ago, needed this long to recuperate LOL), but now I'm in the mood to reflect on the past year and hopefully demonstrate that things are always not as bad as they seem at the time (yes fr, I know I can't convince you b/c past me defs catastrophized even when I knew I didn't need to....😶)  Challenging lessons learned 1. Avoidance is not the solulu - if you're an avoidant type like me, very sad news indeed - in order to move on and progress, you'll eventually have to face whatever it is that you're avoiding 💀 DISCLAIMER - I have another friend that's the opposite extreme and confronts everything head-on w no regards to if they're mentally capable of handling that load and well, catastrophe as the only viable conclusion is to take a GRADED EXPOSURE APPROACH  2. It's okay to ask for help - sounds super sensible and "no duh...