I'm totally stealing an idea from my fav podcaster!!!!

Shout-out to Toni & Ryan (you can find them on YouTube, Spotify, Apple podcast, patreon etc), the only podcast I actually follow religiously and makes my commute back from placement during peak hour 10000x more bearable, but imma steal an idea from them which is a post a day for 26 days, alphabet themed, i.e. I write about the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the specific alphabet of the day 😁😃👀💣 (maybe TMI but we rolling w it XD) 

Today's letter is obviously A!

A = apple, so fcking basic but sums up much of my childhood LOL → was a big apple juice drinker and an apple a day (fuji, pink lady, granny smith, u name it, i've probably ate it) kinda gurl from the start of my memory to about 10ish, before betraying apple for orange juice (found apple juice to sweet all of sudden, no precipitating event or incidence LOL). 

The apple juice I remember most fondly is Qoo 苹果汁 (literally apple juice in Chinese 😂), but specifically the one with a sippy cap and a neck strap, super fancy ikr, it was the one that I had on all field trips no exceptions, not sure if mum bought it or arranged through the school but it was fcking lit! I've tried to find a pic of it on Google Images but couldn't find the exact one, but the mascot is the GIF below XD 



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