C = chaos and cats 🤣
Yay, didn’t forget to post today! 🤣 I have memory of a goldfish but that’s neither here nor there so without further ado…
C = chaos and cats
I mean what perfect pairing, cats are chaotic neutral at baseline and chaotic evil x100 at worst 🤣 but yeah I’m a dog person BUT I reckon I’m a cat - I love stirring chaos BUT IN A CONTROLLED MANNER 🥴 and my ability to plan shit is choatic if at all - cue packing the midnight ON THE DAY of travelling and creating the itinerary IN THE BLOODY AIRPORT 🫣😅
But I mean what’s life without a bit of chaos and spontaneity? Hella borking if you ask me but I’m also a Sagittarius through and through - MUST HAVE random spontaneous reckless fun now and then 🙃🏹
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