Med Abbr & Exp π₯΄
- ABI = acquired brain injury
- Abx (or anti when spoken) = antibiotics
- ADL = activities of daily living (iADL = independent w ALDs, dADL = dependent w ADLs)
- AH = allied health or auditory hallucination in psych
- AKI = acute kidney injury
- ALND = axillary lymph node dissection
- AO = assessment order
- AOD = alcohol and other drugs
- APMS = acute pain mx
- ARP = acute resus plan
- ASI = acute suicidal ideation
- AFAB = assigned female at birth
- AMAB = assigned male at birth
- ATOR = at time of review
- AV = ambulance Victoria
- AVM = arteriovenous malformations
- AVPU (mnemonic to assess conscious state --> Alert, Verbal, Pain, Unresponsive)
- a/w = awaiting
- azithro = azithromycin
- BAPD = bipolar affective disorder
- BBV = blood borne viruses
- b/g = background
- BIBA = brought in by ambo
- BIBP = brought in by police
- BNP = brain natriuteric peptide
- BMD = bone mineral density
- BNO = bowel not open
- BO = bowel open
- BOC = behaviours of concern
- BPH = benign prostatic hypertrophy
- BSL = blood sugar level
- BVM = bag valve mask
- BZD = benzodiazepines
- CABG (pronounced cabbage) = coronary artery bypass graft
- CAP = community acquired pneumonia
- ceft = ceftriaxone
- cirrhosis = liver cirrhosis unless otherwise specified
- c/o = complaining of
- CKD = chronic kidney disease
- CLD = chronic liver disease
- CMP = calcium, magnesium, phosphate
- CP = chest pain
- CPD = continued professional development
- CTO = community treatment order
- CTTO = community temporary treatment
- CVD = cardiovascular disease
- CVS = critical view of safety
- CXR = chest x-ray
- DAMA = d/c against medical advice
- d/c = discharge
- ddx = differential dx
- DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulation
- DKA = diabetic ketoacidosis
- DNR = do not resuscitate
- DOI = date of injury
- DSH = deliberate self harm
- d/w = discussed w
- dx = diagnosis
- ECF = extracellular fluid
- ESBL = extended spectrum beta lactamase
- E + D = eat and drink
- EPSE = extrapyramidal side effects
- established = previous or known
- ETT = endotracheal tube
- EUA = examination under anaesthetics
- EWS = early warning signs
- FEP = first episode psychosis
- flucox = flucoxacillin
- frequency = usually refers to urinary freq if used on its own
- frusie = frusemide (effing furosemide now no thnx to u America π)
- FOOSH = fallen on outstretched hands
- FTA = failure to attend
- FTP = first-time psychosis
- f/u = follow up
- FV = family violence
- GAMP = general anaesthetic manΕuvre and plaster
- GI = gastrointestinal
- GOC = goals of care
- GTCS = generalised tonic clonic seizures
- HAP = hospital acquired pneumonia
- HEHPLS diet = high energy high protein low salt diet
- HOPC = history of presenting complaint
- HR = heart rate
- HS = head strike
- HTN = hypertension
- HTO = harm to others
- hx = history
- PMHx (MHx) = past medical history
- hypo = hypoglycaemic
- ICF = intracellular·fluid
- I & D = incision and drainage
- ID = infectious disease or intellectual disability (psych)
- IECOPD = infective exacerbation of COPD
- IM = intramuscular
- IO = intraosseous
- IPV = intimate partner violence
- IR = immediate release
- IUTD = immunization up to date (I've only seen used in paeds)
- i.v. = intravenous
- IVDU = iv drug use
- IVO = intervention order
- Ix = Investigations
- KPI = key performance indicator
- LMA = larygneal mask airway
- LT = long term
- MTBI = mild traumatic brain injury
- MOI = mech of injury
- MSE = mental state exam (psych)
- MMSE = mini mental state exam (neurological)
- mero = meropenem
- mx = management
- NAS = no apparent stimuli
- NBM = nil by mouth
- NFA = not formally assessed
- NIV = non invasive ventilation
- NKDA = no known drug allergies
- NOK = next of kin
- NOS = not otherwise specified
- NWB = non weight bear
- n/v or N + V = nausea and vomiting
- NVI = neurovas intact
- O/E = observations & exams
- OCP = oral contraceptive pills
- OMED = oral morphine equivalent dose
- OOHCA = out of hospital cardiac arrest
- OPA = oropharyngeal airways
- OT = occupational therapist
- OTC = over the counter (meds)
- PMHx (or PHx) = past medical history
- plts = platelets
- the pill = only ever refers to OCP
- po or PO = per oral
- PND = paroxysmal noctural dyspnoea (internal med) or perinatal depression (obs/gynae, psych)
- PR = pulse rate
- pt = patient
- PT = physio = physiotherapy
- px = presents
- ra (when looking at vitals) = room air
- RA (capital and when talking about med. cond.) = rheumatoid arthritis
- RACF = residential aged care facility
- re = regarding
- ROSC = return of spontaneous circulation
- RPAO = routine post anaesthetic orders
- RR = resp rate
- r/v = review
- Rx = medications
- SCI = spinal cord injury
- S/E = side effect
- SIRS = systemic inflammatory respiratory syndrome
- SOOB = sitting out of bed
- SPC = suprapubic catheter
- spiro = spironololactone
- SPS = single point stick
- subcut = subcutaneous
- subling = sublingual
- SW = social worker
- tachy = usually refers to tachycardia (fast HR) but make sure to double check, and if use tachy, say tachy w HR of or tachy w RR of etc.
- TBI = traumatic brain injury
- tdf = tenofovir (disoproxil fumarate)
- t/f = transfer
- TOC = take over care
- TOV = trial of void
- TPN = total parental nutrition
- TTO = temporary treatment order
- TWI = r wave inversion
- US or U/S = ultrasound
- UTI = urinary tract infection
- VH = visual hallucination
- w/ = with
- WBAT = weight-bear as tolerated
- WNL = within normal limits
- WLI = wide local incision
- w/o = without
- WOW = workstation on wheels
# = fracture
Length of time in med lingo
1/7 = 1 day
1/52 = 1 week
1/12 = 1 month
1/40 = week 1 of gestation
O&G specific
- AFID = amniotic fluid index and Doppler (only at WH)
- BTL = bilateral tubal ligation
- CS = caesarean section
- CST = cervical screening test
- CTG = cardiography ( = fetal HR monitoring by U/S)
- DFM = decreased fetal movement
- EDD = expected delivery date
- EOGBS = early-onset Group B Strep
- FDIU = fetal death in utero
- FGR = fetal growth restriction
- FM = foetal movement
- FMF = foetal movement felt
- G#P# = number of preg (to any stage, incl. current), number of preg resulting in delivery post 24/40
- GDM = gestational diabetes mellitus
- GDMOI = gestational diabetes mellitus on insulin
- GWG = gestational weight gain
- HDIP = hypertension disorders in pregnancy (test)
HMB = heavy menstrual bleeding
- IOL = induction of labour
- IUD = intrauterine device (Mirena = hormonal; copper = non-hormonal)
- IUGR = intrauterine growth restriction
- LDA = low-dose aspirin therapy
- LMP = last menstrual period
- MTCT = mother-to-child transmission (i.e. vertical transmission)
- NDD = neurodevelopmental delay
- NIPT = noninvasive prenatal testing (ie aneuploidy testing)
- NVD = normal vaginal delivery
- PDA = patent ductus arteriosus
- PET = preeclampsia (toxemia)
- PPH = postpartum haemorrhage
- Primip = (primipara) first birth
- PPCM = postpartum cardiomyopathy
- PPROM = preterm pre-labour rupture of membrane
- RFM = reduced fetal movement
- TAH = total abdominal hysterectomy
- TOP = termination of pregancy
- TPL = threatened preterm labour
- VBAC = vaginal birth after caesarean
- VE = vaginal examination
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