Personal Shout Outs! 💕
Lemme know by email or private messaging if you would not like to be identified but w/o further ado, I wanna thank each and every one of the people below from the bottom of my heart! 🥰
Patient Shout Outs (de-identified for confidentiality)
- Mrs B for being the pt who reignited my passion for medicine and reminding me why I decided to go into medicine in the first place. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your medical journey, I will never forget this interaction for the rest of my life. You will be the first patient that I think of when medicine inevitably gets hard and try to make me jaded - I will remember your patience w me as I fumbled my way through a history and full body examination across 2 days and remind myself that I chose to stick with medicine instead of quitting like I almost did b/c I want go into a career that will allow me to help patients and their families during a period of great difficulty and suffering, no matter how small the help that is.
- Mr G for trusting me enough to disclose concerns over mental health. I am honoured that during our clinical interaction, you felt safe and comfortable enough with me to discuss this oftentimes sensitive and wrongly stigmatized health issue. I hope I was able to make you feel heard, even if only a little bit.
Med Mentors
- Shout-out to Mel (consultant), Julia (consultant), Rachel (Reg), Prash (Reg), Michael (HMO), Emma (HMO) for making me feel super welcomed in O&G and teaching me lots
- Marian for being such an amazing clinical nurse educator!! Thank you for making procedural skill classes both serious enough but also fun enough for us to actually engage and learn the essential clinical skills required as junior doctors and beyond. Also thank you so much for coming up to me and letting me know how proud you are of me for getting through MD2 last year despite the challenges esp in the last half year and how you love working with me - it made waking up at 6:20am feel so worth it. West is Best!
- Michael (consultant), Shona (consultant), Alex (ICU reg), Michael (consultant) Molly (HMO), Nick (HMO), Lewis (HMO), Mitchell (intern) for an amazing time in ED and converting me to consider crit care as future career pathway!
- Special shout out to Shona for not judging my breakdown in the ED conference room and helping me get an extension on my procedural skills & Alex (ICU reg) who is always happy to teach me and even stay back 30mins post morning shifts to teach me, hope to see u in ICU when I’m MD4!
- Cara (ICU consultant for showing me what a top tier fam meeting looks like what we should never forget (that we’re there for the pt so pt care is no 1 priority over hosp admin) & Alex (MD4) for teaching me tips and tricks for learning abx and other drugs (sorry Ortho, I’m more inclined to crit care now) (2023)
- Sean for being an amazing PP tutor and taking the time out of your lunch break to debrief w me!
- Stephen (GP) for showing me what patient-centred care means and the kind of doctor I would like to be in the future!
- Howard and Barney (surg tutors) for super high yield (both for med exams and for actual clinical work) fortnightly gen surg tutorials despite your busy schedules, full-time surg job and exams of your own!
- Mark for entertaining and educational CSC tutes, movie recs, dry, sarcastic dark humour (honestly right up my alley 🤣) debrief sesh and cross zoom w Sean!
- Mr Talbot for allowing me to sit in w you during ortho clinics & Mr Phong for pushing for greater unity w/in the ortho department!
- Ben, Toan, Phoebe, Min, Andy, Allen, Jeff, Maddy, Anthony, Sean, Peter, Michael, Tim, and Daniel for amazing Ortho rotation! (FH 2023)- Thinking about pot. going into surg now!
- Special shout out to Toan for being an amazing ortho reg and your super kind reference and Ben for any amazing Ortho MC!
- Chris (Gen Med Consultant and H.O.U FH 2023) for teaching me during gen med OPC!
- Albert (Gen Med and Rheum Consultant FH 2023) for opportunistic teaching during ward rounds and coffee/paper rounds and getting me to examine patients when appropriate!
- Neal for an amazing bedside abdo exam teaching!
- Michael, Helen, Mith, Michelle C, Michelle, and Nicola/Nicoletta, Mnicola ;P (Gen Med Team B FH 2023) for an amazing 4 week gen med rotation and providing value feedback!
- Lyeena (SH Gastro reg 2023) for Gastro teaching during ward rounds and coffee rounds!
- Emily & Harsil (FH Gastro reg 2023) for amazing teaching during and after ward rounds and coffee rounds
- Michael and Reshi (Colorectal reg 2023) for defying my expectations of surgeons!
- Gabriel, Jinyi, and Deyan (WH interns 2023) for being so approachable and happy to help Aayushi and I, the 2 lost sheep XD!
- Roisin (GP Department of MMS) for all your hard work in developing the MD2 GP elective subject - never thought I would consider being a GP but now defs on the table!
- defs will not be who I am, where I am, or how far I've come w/o your ongoing support 24/7 365 days for the past 24 years and the many many many more years to come!
Work mentor
- Clint (Alfred) for being an amazing ward clerk supervisor and showing me how well things can flow w/in a ward when people just communicate and step up to roles that are not technically in your job description but still w/in your scope of practice.
Friends inc. Fam Friends
- All my HS and elementary school friends that I still keep in contact w - you know who you are - thanks for allowing me to annoy y'all each and every turn of the day XD
- MMS MD Class of 2023 esp the WH Cohort - thank you so much for welcoming me back w open arms!
- MD Class of 2025 WH Group - thanks so much for including me as one of you guys now!
- My newly found St John fam Jess, Adam, Minh, and Steph for all the laughter during training!
- Francis for your stellar reference!
- Yi Fun Winnie for sponsoring my walk for peter mac cancer research!
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