(bit over) Mid rotation reflection...how're we already here 😱😱😱

Been real slack this year with posting so far...😅😅😅...not a great reflection of being on track for my 2024 New Year Res goals but it's like they say, "two steps forwards, one step back...or few steps back", but as long as the overall trajectory is looking good, we good 😂

So the original plan was one reflective post per week but obviously, that didn't happen and somehow in the blink of an eye, it's already the start of week 5 in a 6-week rotation 😱😱😱💀💀💀 and to be quite frank, I'm only feeling slightly less confused and befuddled than 5 weeks ago at the beginning of term. I have, however, worked out that I'm not really keen to be staring down people's genital areas all day every day (nearly) for the rest of my medical career so O&G really isn't for me, but I do appreciate the mix of surg and physicians jobs in O&G. 

Study reflection to date



Needs Improvement


Not shying away from placement anymore

Going to gym 2/7 à but ideally want 3-4/7

Procrastination followed by frantic cramming à old habits die hard man, but if I can start catching up now, I should be able to survive better this yr…😅😅😅

Working out O&G not for me à still more inclined to crit care and can’t believe I’m saying this, surg

Cooking dinner for fam à sometimes once, sometimes none, but for aiming 2/7

Sleep hygiene à really should leave my phone downstairs to avoid the temptation of bedtime doom scrolling and get 7-8hr sleep so I’m not cussing myself out the following morning 😒😒😒



 Start half mara training… à finally got roped into it w the combined effort of my dad (apparently this is my bday pressie for his 60th) and my crazy ass running friend 💀 

 Carving out time to read à really ties back to the first point



Not leaving assignments to the last minute à slightly stressed now about getting my WBA signed off…

LOL my psych will defs say I'm still too harsh on myself, what w the third column twice as long as the first, BUT I think the first point of not shying away at placement is such a tiny statement for frankly quite an amazing turn compared to last year. 

Also hate to be boring, but reflection is only one half of the equation b/c as great as it is to recognize one's strengths and shortcomings, they really don't mean shit if no action is made to improve, so I've devised some plans to work on my weaknesses...

1. Have a "sign in, sign out" card for my phone downstairs → sounds really Type A I know, but also sounds kinda fun...take that as you will...🫣🫣🫣

2. Study w friends → even if we're in diff rotations, just having someone next to me to keep me accountable probs will do me wonders

3. Guilt-free break time → like they say, study hard, play hard, but don't take breaks when I've committed to studying and then having a nagging voice at the back of my head

4. Write out daily study goals → hasn't really worked in the past but willing to try again


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