Trying Something New!

Coffee addicted* 2nd year medical student (MD2) @ Western Health  

Motivation to start this blog: 
A continuous record of how I'm developing as a medical practitioner - I don't ever want to forget why I decided to come back to medicine despite being diagnosed (dx) w adjustment disorder mid-2021 and taking a 1.5yr long leave of absence (LOA). Thank you Western, MMS, and my original Class of 2023 Cohort for welcoming me back with open arms and encouragement, love y'all - look out for my discharge summaries (d/c summ) when I'm in my final year and I expect stellar mini-cex reports! ;P 

If my journey can be of help to anyone, whether that be: 
- students at any stage of their education - HS, Uni, TAFE, further training and apprenticeship
- "traditional students", mature aged students, returning students, international students 
- aspiring or current medical students 
- health professionals 
- anyone who works in the healthcare sector
- patients and their family and communities 
- any other readers of any type '
- people of all cultural, linguistic, ethnic, LGBTQIA+, religious, and spiritual affiliations 

then I will be more than happy and grateful and thankful <3

I will try my best to have a new post in my daily reflection section every day, but no guarantees! It will more likely be sporadic and hectic posting like that chaotic neutral (at least I hope it's neutral and not evil ^-^"| ) will always be a child at heart girl that I am XD 

*Yes, I'm a Melbournian coffee snob who can no longer tolerate instant coffee thanks to all the coffee rounds from this year, not that I'm complaining, plz continue supplying this broke as student with coffee



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