Personal Shout Outs!

UPDATE: this post is now a permanent page that will be continuously updated! 

Lemme know by email or private messaging if you would not like to be identified but w/o further ado, I wanna thank each and every one of the people below from the bottom of my heart

Patient Shout Outs (de-identified for confidentiality)

- Mrs B for being the pt who reignited my passion for medicine and reminding me why I decided to go into medicine in the first place. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your medical journey, I will never forget this interaction for the rest of my life. You will be the first patient that I think of when medicine inevitably gets hard and will try to make me jaded - I will remember your patience w me as I fumbled my way through a history and full body examination across 2 days and remind myself that I chose to stick with medicine instead of quitting like I almost did b/c I wanted go into a career that will allow me to to help patients and their families during a period of great difficulty and suffering, no matter how small the help that is. 

Med Mentors 

- Sean for being an amazing PP tutor and taking the time out of your lunch break to debrief w me!

- Stephen (GP) for showing me what patient-centred care means and the kind of doctor I would like to be in the future!

- Mr Talbot for allowing me to sit in w you during ortho clinics & Mr Phong for pushing for greater unity w/in the ortho department! 

- Ben, Toan, Phoebe, Min, Andy, Allen, Jeff, Maddy, Anthony, Sean, Peter, Michael, Tim, and Daniel for amazing Ortho rotation! (FH 2023)- Thinking about pot. going in surg now!

- Special shout out to Toan for being an amazing ortho reg and your super kind reference and Ben for any amazing Ortho MC! 

- Chris (Gen Med Consultant and H.O.U FH 2023) for teaching me during gen med OPC!

- Albert (Gen Med and Rheum Consultant FH 2023) for opportunistic teaching during ward rounds and coffee/paper rounds!

- Neal for an amazing bedside abdo exam teaching!

-  Michael, Michelle, Michelle, and Nicola/Nicoletta, Mnicola ;P (Gen Med Team B FH 2023) for welcoming me into your team from the get-go incl. your WhatsApp group!

- Lyeena (SH Gastro reg 2023) for Gastro teaching during ward rounds and coffee rounds!

- Emily & Harsil (FH Gastro reg 2023) for amazing teaching during and after ward rounds and coffee rounds

- Michael and Reshi (Colorectal reg 2023) for defying my expectations of surgeons! 

- Gabriel, Jinyi, and Deyan (WH interns 2023) for being so approachable and happy to help Aayushi and I, the 2 lost sheep XD! 

- Roisin (GP Department of MMS) for all your hard work in developing the MD2 GP elective subject - never thought I would consider being a GP but now defs on the table!


- defs will not be who I am, where I am, or how far I've come w/o your ongoing support 24/7 365 days for the past 24 years and the many many many more years to come! 

Friends inc. Fam Friends 

- All my HS and elementary school friends that I still keep in contact w - you know who you are - thanks for allowing me to annoy y'all and each and every turn of the day XD 

- MMS MD Class of 2023 esp the WH Cohort - thank you so much for welcoming me back w open arms! 

- MD Class of 2025 WH Group - thanks so much for including me as one of you guys now!

- My newly found St John fam Jess, Adam, Minh, and Steph for all the laughter during training! 

- Francis for your stellar reference!

- Yi Fun Winnie for sponsoring my walk for peter mac cancer research! 


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