Make sure you have brekkie if in gen med rotation!

Pretty sure I experienced a hypoglycaemic event today around 1pm --> was told by gynae to try intermittent fasting restricting intake from 10am to 6pm so only had a cup of coffee (+ disgusting TCM) at 7:30am in the morning. Ward round did not finish until 12:33pm (which is early for gen med let's be honest 😅😭) and by 1pm I experienced bilat paraesthesia down UL  to entire hand & fingers, and eyelid twitching L > R......anyways not good + sx resolved spon post-prandial 😅

Revised eating schedule --> 2 eggs (or up and go if I snoozed one too many times XD) 

← highly recommend this insta pg for daily dose of dark humour 😁😈💀 (@momsbehavingbadly)


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