
Showing posts from October, 2023

Clinical exams will never stop being scary 💀

aweoifjaweoifj I just did my long case exam yesterday morning, now anxiously a/w results to come out tomorrow, but tbh, will not be surprised if need to resit (for several reasons, both personal and external). FYI - long case is an exam style used in BPT (basic physician training) where you have 1 hr w a pt to take a comprehensive hx and o/e, 10ish min to organize your notes and thoughts, then 10ish min to present your findings, imp and issues list to the examiners, then ans their qs for another 10-20mins (or what I like to call "be executed"). @unimelb med school, the examiners are not in the room w u for the first 1 hr, but they've done their own consult for 15mins before you see them, and you're given a list of the pt rx and obs. It is by far the scariest and (in my opinion at least) easiest to fail exam in MD2. It has defs been a thundercloud over my head for the whole year which I've tried my best to ignore (maybe a bit too much...😅) but I've been slappe...

Patients are HUMANS, NOT lists of medical & psychosocial issues to be ticked off & d/c

The medical school system and healthcare system have an uncanny ability to suck the joy, aspirations, childlike curiosity, and genuine empathy from its students and healthcare workers.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not regretting my decision to return to the system, but when you've been in the hospital for 7hr+ UNPAID and just there for the experience and your own learning, then gone home and realized you still have a Mt Everest worth of lecture content to plough through, there's no way you won't ask "why am I doing this to myself?" "am I just a sucker for punishment?"  I for one am lucky enough to have personal responses to this which are "Remember that time when you saw the resus team bring someone back to life from cardiac arrest?" or "Remember when Mr B was super grateful for you spending 2hr talking to them like another human and they confided their struggles with suicidal thoughts to you first and not their treating team?" et...

Save me from Snapchat AI filters

 A more lighthearted post today. Like the post suggests, I re-downloaded Snapchat (to connect w some overseas friends eaoifjaewoi 😒) and rediscovered Snapchat filters, esp the new AI filter that turns your selfies into anime-style. Below are also selfies of me 😆 Just saying AI currently sucks at drawing hands or animals, also short hair = male 90% of the time and crazy face = macho man LOL 

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (promise not horror) - Anime Rec For All

Just started watching Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (available on Netflix Aus) cuz wanted short 20 something mins episodes to watch during study breaks and omg aoeifjaoweifj oaweijf IT'S AMAZING EVERYONE GO WATCH.  As a self-professed otaku (look when you get most Gintama references or at least know what anime they're referring to, I reckon you've defs unlocked otaku veteran level, plus my descent into this rabbit hole started at the tender age of 6 and I've never left so... 😆😅), I can 100% guarantee that it is suitable for ALL LEVEL OF ANIME WATCHERS, whether it's your first or 200th... Now BEFORE the title scares you away, the genre is slice of life and comedy >>>> horror.  There is no gore in the traditional sense → all the blood is a mix of neon-bright colours  The zombies can look a bit scary but personally, I find it hard to be scared when they're covered in neon paint stains LIFE LESSONS TO BE LEARNED FROM HERE 100% so I would say suitab...

Everyone learns differently…no duh but actually so true

I’m sure y’all have heard about different learning styles, so much so that you probably have ear callouses 💀 BUT hear me out, this is super important in med school, esp transitioning from pre-clin to clin. And imma just focus on two broad category - practical v textbook learner .  First of all, IT’S A PROCESS , a process that took me nearly 2 years to figure out so don’t fret if you feel like you have no idea how to juggle placement time v desktop study time until end of 1st year clin or even beyond. BUT if I could give MD1 me any advice, it would be to actually sit down and think about how I learn best (ugh boring I know but I promise it will save you so much grief later)  Why do I think knowing if you’re a practical or textbook leaner is particularly important for clin years? Cuz you will hear all kinds of advice about how much time to spend in hospital v at home or in a library or wherever you study best. I’ve heard anything from “wish I spent so much less time in hospital...

Hospital Politics

aowiejfaoweifj oaweifj  First time witnessing a heated argument between 2 different medical teams and tbh still a bit shooketh. Not gonna name names here but it was also an extremely dumb argument that at its core is nothing more than politics and completely unrelated to patient care.  Long story short, we had a new pt in ICU who was apparently referred to X team as the home team but no one from ICU or ED called them about it (the pt still showed up on X team's inpt list). A very irate X team reg came storming to our team and kicked up a fuss about how that's super disrespectful and if they knew the pt was going to be under them and not just a consult, they would've brought her consultant over to r/v the pt. She kept cutting off our consultant to the point that the consultant actually said "I apologise for the miscommunication but let's not forget that we're all here to do what's best for the patient, and regardless of whether the pt is under you guys or an...

Attended my very first family meeting for deteriorating ICU patient

Was meant to post this 2 days ago but got "kidnapped" (voluntarily) by grandparents for boot camp style master classes on internal medicine and imaging interpretations 😂 (yes we're imminently entering exam period 💀).  Back to this post, I had the amazing opportunity to sit in with an incredible ICU consultant when she was having a family meeting with the pt's husband. I am not at all exaggerating when I say she has set the bar extremely high for what true shared-decision making between the healthcare team and the pt's family can and should look like. I got a real sense that the consultant truly meant it when she said "You know the patient best, certainly much better than me, and I'm asking for your help in determining the best treatment option for your wife moving forward when we take into consideration what she holds most dear in life and what's most important to her in life".  You know you did a good job when the family member / loved one / n...

Stupid daylight savings messing with my (already non-existent) circadian rhythm

 If you're from Aus, you would know my pain of waking up at 6:30am but feeling like it's only 5:30am BECAUSE IT TECHNICALLY WAS until Sun 1/10 when we skipped from 1:59am straight to 3:00am, essentially losing 1hr of much needed beauty sleep 💀 Pair that w AFL Grand Finals long weekend in Vic and you have a miserable workforce and miserable students w morning classes/lectures/placements 😓  In keeping w this awful phenomenon, I thought I would post about our body's natural circadian rhythms, certain physiological diurnal patterns, and why the 21st c. living style w overstimulation (screens, but also mental and physical) is a nightmare for our body's natural daily cycle 😑  (yes, this is now how I spend a large portion of my free time now, yes, super nerdy, but who isn't in med, and no, don't believe any health profesh when they say they aren't nerdy, they are nerdy, just not like god tier nerdy w/in nerd popln LOL)  What is the circadian rhythm? - Body's...